Guaranteed basic income could cut poverty on P.E.I. by 80%: report

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A detailed report on guaranteed basic income released Wednesday morning says it would mean 65 per cent fewer P.E.I. children would be living in poverty, along with 90 per cent fewer people who live alone — and poverty could be virtually eliminated for people with disabilities.

“A Proposal for a Guaranteed Basic Income Benefit in Prince Edward Island” was written by a coalition of public servants, politicians, and advocates from P.E.I. and across the country. It outlines how a five- to seven-year demonstration program might work in the province, including how much it would pay to individuals, and how it might be paid for.

“This report establishes beyond doubt that a province-wide guaranteed basic income in P.E.I. is feasible and realistic,” Jane Ledwell, a member of the P.E.I. Working Group for a Livable Income, was quoted as saying in a news release.

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