Driving course for newcomers not reaching its full potential, instructor says

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The manager of a driving school on P.E.I. says a program meant to help newcomers obtain a driver’s licence isn’t reaching its full potential.

Through the Licensed Driver Education Course, experienced drivers from outside Canada can use that experience to help them get a full licence.

But Eric Brookins, with Safe Drivers P.E.I., said not enough is being done to promote the program. He says he’s seeing it first hand.

“A lot of the time right now, newcomers are completely unaware of this program,” he said.

He said they’re often going through a different program intended for foreign drivers, called the Novice Driving Course for Newcomers, he said. That still gives them a licence, but it carries restrictions for some time. The Novice Driving Course for Newcomers is delivered through the province while the Licensed Driver Education Course is delivered through private driving schools.

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