Federal pharmacare could help keep Islanders on feeding tubes at home, says P.E.I. minister

It may be possible to leverage a new federal pharmacare program to support people who require feeding tubes, says P.E.I. Health Minister Mark McLane.

McLane was responding in the legislature Wednesday to a question from Progressive Conservative MLA Robin Croucher. Croucher wanted to know what support the province is currently providing.

“Individuals who live with feeding tubes, and their caregivers, require equipment and training for their safe use,” said the MLA, who is also a primary care paramedic and volunteer firefighter in the Souris area.

“It is life-altering, stressful, and very expensive. Many of these people are fiercely independent, want to remain in their own homes, and can live long and healthy lives. But without these supports to remain at home, the reality is that they live out their days in a hospital.”

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