Home rental costs biggest driver of P.E.I.’s increased livable wage, says report

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Advocacy groups say many on P.E.I. aren’t making a livable wage, and that’s causing Islanders to make a tough choices about rent and groceries.

A new report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives says the livable wage is now $22.76, and many Islanders are struggling to make that hourly rate. In 2020, the centre calculated the living wage at $19.30.

A livable wage is the minimum income necessary for a worker to meet their basic needs.

The group said housing was the biggest reason the figure has gone up. According to the report, apartment rents on the Island increased by an average of 17 per cent over the last four years.

“It’s an increase that is not sustainable for a lot of people,” said Cory Pater, who’s with the P.E.I. Fight for Affordable Housing.

“People who are making minimum wage, it’s a huge strain on things…. We hear from people all the time who have to cut back on or give up meals just to have enough money in their bank account to make rent.”

Some people are paying over 30 per cent of their income for rent, but that should be about 25 per cent, Pater said. He’s heard of renters paying 50 per cent of their income to keep a roof over their heads.

“It’s cutting into peoples’ heating, really basic stuff, and people shouldn’t have to sacrifice their basic needs for another basic need, in this case shelter,” he said.

Pater thinks the P.E.I. government should purchase apartment buildings that are already for sale, then turn them into provincial housing where tenants can pay rent based on a percentage their income.

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Hannah Bell, a former Green MLA who sat on a special committee on poverty, said she’s seen rental costs increase by 50 per cent for some.

“We don’t actually monitor all rental increases, they are not all reported,” Bell said.

“What it tells us is the law is not being followed or applied, and renters are the ones who are suffering.”

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