Three P.E.I. athletes represent Canada at the 2025 Special Olympics World Winter Games

Three Prince Edward Islanders are among the 90 Canadian athletes at the 2025 Special Olympics World Winter Games in Turin, Italy.

This is the 12th edition of the Games, which started on March 8 and last until March 15.

“This is the highest level of competition for Special Olympics,” said Charity Sheehan, Canada’s head of delegation.

“They get to compete against the best in the world and they’re ready to do that.”

Ellen MacNearney and Tommy Ling are both competing in nordic skiing, while Callum McEwan is in figure skating.

Athletes from 102 countries from around the world gathered at the opening ceremony — a part MacNearney really enjoyed in the Special Olympics.

“The opening ceremony was awesome,” she said, adding the best parts for her were when the snow was coming down in the stadium and when the athletes came in.

MacNearney, who lives in Brudenell, has won dozens of medals in both swimming and skiing. She last competed at the Special Olympics World Games in 2013 in PyeongChang, South Korea, where she won a gold and a bronze medal.

Twelve years later, she is attending these games with a different mindset.

“It makes a big difference because I was just Grade 12, just graduating from high school.” she said. “And now I’m 30 years old.”

MacNearney is competing in the 7.5-km finals on Thursday, followed by the 5-km finals on Friday.

For her, the best part of the experience isn’t just the competition but also having her family there to cheer her on.

More than medals

While many athletes are seeking to add on to Canada’s medal count, that isn’t the only goal.

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