Charlottetown councillor opposes building housing on experimental farm

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Agriculture Canada’s experimental farm is a valuable green space in the heart of Charlottetown, says Coun. Mitchell Tweel, and he does not want to see housing or any other kind of development on it.

The farm, established in 1909, is a 35-hectare space a 20-minute walk from the heart of the downtown. The property does include a fair amount of institutional development along University Avenue, including the Agriculture Canada research station itself. Behind that there are fields for experimental crops, community gardens, a series of ponds, and the Confederation Trail runs through the middle of it.

“This is in the heart of the city,” said Tweel.

“People refer to the Commons in Halifax, which is extremely important. Central Park in New York. I mean, they can use those as examples and they’re good examples. I would like to emulate and parallel what Halifax has done.”

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