Former Health P.E.I. board chair takes minister to task on recruitment efforts

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For the first time in nearly a year, the former chair of Health P.E.I.’s board has criticized the state of the province’s health-care system and challenged the current health minister on recruitment efforts. 

Derek Key stepped down from the health agency’s board in December 2022, citing multiple failures in the government’s efforts to foster quality health care on the Island. 

On Thursday night, the Summerside lawyer stood to speak at a packed town hall meeting held to let residents and health-care workers express concerns about recent cuts to services at Prince County Hospital. 

“I’ve done my absolute best since the day that I sent my letter of resignation to the premier to make no comment on any of this,” Key told the panel at the event’s head table, which included P.E.I. Health Minister Mark McLane, interim Health P.E.I. CEO Corinne Rowswell, and the agency’s chief medical officer, Dr. Katherine McNally.   

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