Health P.E.I. offering workers extra cash to cover summer vacations

Health P.E.I. is offering some health-care workers more money to take on additional shifts this summer, especially during evenings, weekends and holidays.

It’s hoped the move will make it easier for other health workers to take vacation this summer. 

But union leaders are concerned it may create even more problems.

Barbara Brookins, president of the P.E.I. Nurses’ Union, is hopeful the new incentives will help. Her union was first to strike a deal with Health P.E.I. on Friday. 

The new incentives could see members receiving time-and-a-half or even double-time pay for shifts that are deemed “critical.” 

Brookins said a lot of nurses are frustrated because they already had summer vacation plans booked, then were denied their leave requests. 

“It’s a little late to the game,” Brookins said in an interview with CBC News.

“We’re hopeful that … if people pick up one or two shifts, it could be the difference of me getting my vacation or not getting my vacation.”  

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