Islanders score free spuds while farmers help out food banks

It’s no secret that P.E.I. residents love their potatoes, so it’s no surprise that so many turned out over the weekend to grab a boot-load for free. 

Islanders took home boots, bags and buckets full of potatoes over the weekend during the third annual Come Fill Your Boots event. It was held at three farms in the province, G. Visser and Sons in Orwell Cove, Monaghan Farms in Norboro and Spud Isle Farms in St. Peters Bay.   

While there was no cost, visitors were encouraged to donate money to local food banks before shopping for spuds. 

The event began during a dispute that closed the U.S. border to P.E.I. potatoes, but it continues today to foster farmers’ relationships with people in their communities and to spread the spirit of generosity. 

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