Know your flood risk, expert cautions P.E.I. homebuyers

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P.E.I. could be doing more to help homebuyers understand the risk of flooding on properties they are buying, says an expert in climate resilient infrastructure.

Information on areas prone to coastal flooding is available on P.E.I., but Joanna Eyquem, managing director of climate resilient infrastructure with the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation at the University of Waterloo, would like to see it presented more prominently.

“It’s not routine for people to be checking flood plain maps when they buy a home, but I’m hoping in the future that will be much more transparent,” Eyquem told Island Morning host Laura Chapin.

 “It should not be a risk that’s under the carpet. We should all be aware.”

The provincial government has developed a map that shows coastal flooding risks for all properties in the province. The map is colour-coded to show high, moderate-high and moderate-low hazard flood areas.

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