P.E.I. to move forward with expanding its own plastics ban, says minister

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P.E.I.’s environment minister says the province will look to expand its own single-use plastics ban now that a Federal Court of Canada judge has ruled a ban Ottawa planned to impose was “unreasonable and unconstitutional.”

Prince Edward Island was the first province in Canada to ban single-use plastic bags, with a law that came into effect in July 2019. 

Since then, Steven Myers said Friday, the province has been in a “holding pattern” after the federal government said it would take the lead on further reductions in single-use plastics.

In the aftermath of Thursday’s ruling by Federal Court Justice Angela Furlanetto, the environment minister told the legislature P.E.I. can build “a model of sustainability for Islanders that can be mimicked across Canada…. We intend to be leaders in everything that we do on an environmental profile and we’re going to look at doing something in this realm.”

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