School bus drivers on P.E.I. call for changes as students are crammed in, ‘one cheek on the seat’

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Overcrowding has school bus drivers on P.E.I. worried “kids will go flying” if they ever have to slam on the brakes, a legislative committee heard Tuesday.

Robert Geiss, the head of the union representing the province’s 270 school bus drivers, said most buses have a rated capacity of 70 students — but that count is based on an assumption that three students can fit in each seat, regardless of size or age.

“Fitting three elementary kids in a seat is not a problem. When you try and fit three high school or junior high school students, it would be like fitting three of you into a seat.” Geiss told the committee members.

“We’re told as long as they have one cheek on the seat, that’s good.”

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