These P.E.I. students are prepared to preach the word of workplace safety

A group of Island students now has the skills to teach other young people about workplace safety.

“I think with young workers, sometimes they’re scared to ask questions,” said Abby Peters, a Grade 12 student at Kensington Intermediate Senior High School.

Peters is one of 22 students from across the province who took part in the Workers Compensation Board of P.E.I.’s occupational health and safety (OHS) leadership program.

“Young workers, when they enter the workforce they’re not super educated about workplace safety,” she said. “So I just thought this was a great way to help them take the first step.”

The program began in February with an orientation where students learned the ins and outs of workplace safety and the rights and responsibilities of workers. 

After that, they hosted a series of educational events at their schools and shared what they’d learned with their peers.

“When I talk to the young workers I always want to be sure that they understand it’s OK to be curious and ask about the hazards in the workplace,” Peters said.

She and Haven Woodside, another participant from KISH, gave a class presentation on workplace safety as one of their events.

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