Work will begin this summer on Charlottetown Airport’s terminal expansion

Work will begin this summer on an expansion to the terminal at Charlottetown’s airport to help it cope with an ever-increasing number of passengers. 

The airport authority held its annual general meeting on Tuesday to update the public on the renovations, which are expected to be completed by 2027.

The expansion will start at the end of the building where passengers check in for their flights, and will include more counters, more space for lineups and a larger lobby area. 

Charlottetown Airport Authority CEO Doug Newson said the work won’t cause much disruption this year. 

“Passengers and people coming to the airport will certainly see the start of an addition to the south end of the terminal building, which will take 16 to 18 months to complete,” he said. 

“It’s really when we get into renovating, expanding inside the terminal in the next couple years after this phase is completed [when] people will probably see a bit more inconvenience, but we’re certainly going to do our best to mitigate any impact to day-to-day operations.” 

The airport surpassed all previous passenger records last year with 402,686 travellers passing through the gates. That was an 18 per cent increase over 2022 and a five per cent jump from the previous record year, 2019. 

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